Alan is an idiot savant at covert entry. His method is so unorthodox it leaves many scratching their head wondering if anyone could be that clueless. Sometimes we wonder ourselves. Pair his blind confidence with Carlos and most think he is either completely harmless, or he is totally supposed to be there even if he is an idiot. His close ties to the Asian Mafia also allow him a certain amount of access to certain organizations that we would otherwise not have. He keeps asking when we'll replace his squirt guns with real ones... Yeah, that's not happening, but we did get him a sweet new pager.
-High Tack Vinyl
-Satin UV Coating
-Size: 3-3/4" x 2-3/4"
Just became a dad and with my love for guns, this was all too perfect. My wife found a lot of joy out of it as well!